Make yourself stand out by sending a financial tribute straight into MY bank account , ……………..or PayPal
Bank Payments are made via MY Lloyds Bank account.
Account Number : 23028268 Sort Code : 30.98.73 in the name of Rainbow …….
Alternatively head over to PayPal and enter my email address of
goddess@the-goddess.co.uk to make a contribution, or just press the PayPal buttons below
This is a legit business so timewasters WILL NOT be tolerated, trust Me when I say I have years of being in this industry. However I am a very firm but fair Goddess !
THE Goddess wants to know how you feel as I financially drain you and hit you where it hurts, hypnotized, controlled and dominated you will be.
Worship from afar by sending Goddess an electronic Amazon gift voucher, to amazon.co.uk, you just need MY email address: goddess@the-goddess.co.uk